In recent years, Turkey’s Ministry of Health “Health Transformation Program” Health Sector with great progress and quality of the health system innovation has made quite gained momentum. Turkey is now a modern hospitals, qualified human resources, technological infrastructure and qualified Europe’s ability to use technology with high health care team, is the country with the highest quality eye health care system.
Covidien-19 at the beginning and that was seen throughout the year in progress, Turkey has taken second place in the map of hygiene and the world, both in this pandemic period, all health tourists who were treated in our country had the ability to send their clients to trouble the country is one of the rare countries. This success is due to the Covidien-19 ‘when we returned to normal throughout the process, and now the old people who want to return to health with the peace of being able to give this assurance to tourists coming to Turkey Health expects to support health.
Turkey geopolitical nature of cultural features, advanced health systems, thermal plants, hospitals, technological equipment and the increasing use of health technology team has become the center of attraction in terms of health tourism in recent years. Location and himself in the fast update result of “health tourism” in order to remove terms has taken its place among the world’s 10 major countries and the number of 1 million health tourists coming to Turkey by the end of 2019 to 10 million health tourists in the coming years it is to speed up their work at all.
As the whole world is in medical education in Turkey are given in English, however, our physicians Pursuing different language options, its integration into the health care system in the world and are included in a Health Tourism. Thus, the problems in the patient-doctor communication experienced in the past years have disappeared, and our newly trained physicians both train themselves on a multi-channel basis in accordance with the era and become using many technological infrastructures and start their duties. In addition, the concept of “Health Tourism” attracts a lot of attention in universities, and almost every university prepares both human resources and materials to be included in the future Health Tourism sector and highlights its place in this race.
We are ready to treat Health Tourists in many Northern European and Scandinavian countries, who are struggling with rheumatic diseases, especially due to climatic conditions, with our thermal facilities and experienced staff in 149 points of our country. Due to our geopolitical structure, all health tourists can reach our country more easily, and they can come to our country without any problems with more affordable flight options. Thus, the thermal springs, thermal facilities and healing resources in our country have become a center of attraction, especially due to geographical proximity. In particular, we recommend that geriatric patients from all European countries stay in our country at regular intervals for a certain period of time, have thermal treatments and experience cultural trips thanks to its beautiful climate.
In addition to all these, thanks to the da Vinci® Robotic Surgery System in many hospitals, our surgeons can perform important surgeries by intervening their patients through small holes, and thanks to this opportunity achieved by humanity with the development of medical technologies, both the surgeon and the patient are able to perform operations in great comfort and convenience. .
Turkey qualified medical team, as all understood in the light of this information, technological strength, health initiatives and come forward with health tourism philosophy as a country, all the candidates to host the health of tourists and high-quality affordable and is an important country that has taken place in this race with superior service.
Easily accessible Turkey win your biridir.he My health of the country, which is one of the best locations where you can win your health, fun and both receive plenty of sun, with a happy return to the slogan of your country now Turkey has proved its presence in this sector.
For all your treatments, we are waiting for your call.
Mobile: 0532 625 09 75
0533 304 57 58