Turkey is the most favored country for hair transplants.
Our hair is a symbol of our health. The head hair of most people becomes lighter over the years or for health reasons. According to research, not only men are affected but also women. Steady and full hair improves the appearance and positively affects the psyche. Who has full, strong hair feels better. A hair transplant is a suitable method to permanently do something about hair loss and their receding hairline.
FUE denotes a method (also picking technique) in which complete follicular units, including the hair roots contained in them, are extracted from the skin and transplanted to the area affected by the hair loss. All these operations are carried out under local anesthesia and under the supervision of experienced beauty specialists. The patient can continue his everyday life immediately after transplantation. In the first 15-30 days, the transplanted hair begins to fall. After the first 3 months, the new hair begins to grow and the patient gets to see the desired result.

Even beards can be beautified by the transplanting of their own hair or beard.
Plant hair removed from the head:
The hair for the full beard are taken individually with a hollow needle from the places where it is not noticeable. After a special work-up, the removed hairs are used on cheeks chin or upper lip. This process can be used with the DHA method.
Plant hair removed from the beard:
If the patient wishes to transplant the beard this is very easy. The hair taken from the beard can adapt to the beard growth much better. This process is also used with the DHA method Transplant process: The hair removed for transplantation is transplanted after reprocessing, during a local anesthetic. The grafts are individually inserted into the DHI pins which have a diameter of 0.6 (Implant Pen), and individually implanted in the direction of the beard. By using a 0.6 diameter DHI pin prevents scars. One day after treatment, the patient must take precautionary care in the clinic and 4 more days for follow-up treatment.
Stress, medication, skin diseases, burns, hormonal imbalances or age will weaken the roots of the eyebrows. This leads to bald spots. Before the eyebrow transplant: After shaving, to the removed site of the roots, a local anesthesia is performed. It is only shaved a specified areas. With the FUE method hairs
are occasionally removed from the neck area. This method produces no scars at the removed site.
The 2, 3 or 4 roots taken with a scalpel are split and brought together to a root. For a natural effect 1er roots are used. The roots are stored in a special refrigerator until used in a liquid. The first removed roots are planted first.
Prior to the start of the procedure, a local anesthetic is performed. There is no need to shave the affected area. The FUE method allows the bald spots between the eyebrows to be transplanted without damaging the roots. The 1er roots are used occasionally in a special pen and planted. With this method, the healing process is accelerated and the patient achieves the desired natural effect in no time.