Medical check-up You can check in during your vacation and get your health under control
Check-up is a screening package for people to identify hidden issues that may lead to future illnesses and to take preventative measures. Timely detection of diseases that increase with the aging process is very important Many patients who are regularly screened can get rid of many fatal diseases through early detection. Even if there are no symptoms or signs of illness, you can get rid of earlystage diseases that show no signs of progressing slowly.
Early diagnosis can lead to improved comfort of living if treated in a timely manner. You can check the state of health and your illnesses at the beginning, during your vacation, with a short check-up. Of course, the examination in certain age groups is a personaland recommended method.

An examination without medical advice should not be carried out. Check-up is not just an exam process. At the same time, it is a health screening aimed at obtaining the most reliable result by adding to the person personalized examinations based on the symptoms, the history, the family
history, the habits and, if necessary, the specialists to be carried out during the examinations, emerge to be used drugs.
The results can be interpreted by medical specialists and a series of screening tests for cancers can be requested in check-ups depending on the age and gender of the person. In each patient, vital signs, blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate, fever, general condition, cardiology tests, breast diseases, ENT, neurology, dermatology, gynecology, urology, examination of internal diseases will be performed. With this method, which has different values for men and women, you can look more confidently into the future