15% of the world’s population is 65 years old and older. This age group is accompanied by physical and mental illnesses. In the later stages of the aging process, there are significant changes in the metabolism and body. Due to the usual changes in the brain, a partial loss of mental functions such as memory, attention, movement and perception is observed with age. To determine how much of these losses is a natural and expected process and how much is suggestive of a brain disease requires a rigorous assessment. That’s why geriatrics is so important in science.

Geriatrics, is a science that deals with the health problems, diseases, social and functional life, preventive medical practices of patients over 65 years. The aim of geriatrics is to protect the health of older people, to treat illnesses, to enable them to lead a selfdetermined life and to improve the quality of life and well-being. Geriatric patients with internal disorders, high blood pressure, multiple drug use, diabetes, osteoporosis, incontinent, Alzheimer’s, depression, fainting, malnutrition, pressure sores, suspected cancer can apply to the Geriatric Department.
Geriatrics has developed into an industry in which, in addition to the examination of internal diseases, also occurring complications in old age are investigated. Such a comprehensive study allows many diseases to be recognized and treated without symptoms.
In this age group, the symptoms are different from those at young or middle age. The diagnosis requires knowledge of geriatrics. The patient is offered not only examination, diagnosis and treatment but also social service, physiotherapy, nutritional counseling, health and nursing. This is why older people and their family members should deal with geriatrics.