Didyma Tourism Ltd. In accordance with the contract signed between Mestgroup and “cometohealthtourism.com”, the Health Tourism Brand of Şti, we received treatment in the rehabilitation program at the Mestgroup Kaya Thermal Physical Therapy Center, under the supervision of Bülent Bey Muzaffer Bey, who has returned from Munich, Germany and is bedridden for months. Mr. Bülent, who came to our Treatment Center in a wheelchair with unhappiness and pain, started to make great progress with his own efforts in the 1-week treatment program and hope that we will take him home by walking. Our Physical Therapy patient is both health checks and getting prepared for his new life with a healthy diet. We would like to thank all our team, especially Muzaffer Uğurcan. For all kinds of treatment support
Our Contact Information:
mobile: 0532 625 09 75
mobile: 0533 304 57 58